GPGMail: **Encrypted** messages being sent unencrypted
Composing message, encrypt button seems to highlight/gray out correctly based on key availability, but when I hit send (Exchange account in on ElCap, all updated, brand new computer) it is sent in the clear. Confirmed viewing in Outlook on the Mac (which doesn’t have any supported PGP client) and viewing the sent item in Mail.App.
I expected to find encrypted message text when viewing the message
in Outlook, and to see “Encrypted” in the message info
when viewing the message in Mail.App
Additional info
Correctly gets signed (and indicates signed) if that was selected.
I’ve tried both ways.
macOS 10.12.2 16C67
GPG Suite 2016.12b1 26b
GPGMail 2.7b1 1179b
GPG Keychain 1.3.3b1 1249b
GPGServices 1.11 916
MacGPG2 2.0.30 884
GPGPreferences 2.0.2b1 908b
Libmacgpg 0.7 775
pinentry 0.9.7 4
- 2017-01-05_03-12_DebugInfo.gpg 68.2 KB
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1 Posted by john.t.hoffoss on 05 Jan, 2017 03:14 AM
Should have noted I am indeed getting the "invalid signature" errors that others are, when the message was signed. That's much less critical to me than a message being sent unencrypted without warning.
2 Posted by john.t.hoffoss on 05 Jan, 2017 03:37 AM
Disabled additional plugins in Mail and encryption worked. Appears to be a disagreement between MailActOn and GPGMail. Possibly not a problem here but probably worth calling out this misbehavior when MailActOn is enabled as well. Can use SmallCubed utility Mail Plugin Manager to easily see what is installed, enabled, disabled.
Support Staff 3 Posted by Steve on 18 Jan, 2017 11:26 PM
We have a ticket for this problem. I connected this discussion with the existing ticket. That means, should this discussion get closed, it will be re-opened as soon as the ticket is closed. That way you'll stay in the loop and get notified as soon as we have news. Feel free to open a new discussions should you run into further problems or need assistance.
4 Posted by sky on 19 Jan, 2017 12:15 AM
I also verified the same issue with Mail Act-On yesterday. (With help from GPGTools team) Uninstalled MAO and now GPGMail correctly encrypts.
Furthermore, just installed MailHub from Dervish Software and found that it -does- work with GPGMail so far. Hopeful. What I struggle with is the way marks email as read as soon as it appears in the preview panel. This can be prevented by either of those plugins. But I digress.
5 Posted by heiCode on 19 Jan, 2017 01:41 PM
Verified the behaviour
+1 to stay in the loop
6 Posted by sky on 12 Feb, 2017 04:52 AM
Mail Act-On 4.0.3 released this week does -not- fix the conflict. Still cannot use MAO and GPGMail at the same time. Will test upcoming versions - no need to notify me.
Support Staff 7 Posted by Steve on 19 Mar, 2017 11:21 PM
Hi John and all,
this issue has been fixed. If you want to test the fix, please download our latest nightly GPG Suite. That page also has sig and SHA1 to verify the download.
Should the problem persist, please re-open this discussion and let us know. For more questions that are not related to this specific problem, you are welcome to create a new discussion any time.
Best, steve
Disclaimer: This is a development version which has not been thoroughly tested yet, so bugs or crashes are to be expected. Thanks for helping us test this fix.
Steve closed this discussion on 19 Mar, 2017 11:21 PM.