1. how to transfer my keys from an old mac and 2. how to update expired public keys

Ted BARBEN's Avatar


16 Aug, 2020 02:41 PM

Kraken Exchange and GPG Tools Team have expired. My public and private keys are valid.

How do I extend the validity of my contact's public keys?

  1. 1 Posted by Ted BARBEN on 16 Aug, 2020 02:47 PM

    Ted BARBEN's Avatar

    I need to know if I receive a communication from Kraken Exchange, that it will be decoded. If their key is not valid, will it still work? Should this be a concern? I am not using any other Mail.app plugins.

    I bought a new computer and didn't reinstall GPG on it. I couldn't read their emails. Now I have installed GPG on the new computer and discovered the two keys are not valid. I am trying to make sure that the communication link has been reopened,

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Steve on 17 Aug, 2020 02:05 PM

    Steve's Avatar

    Hi Ted,

    welcome to the GPGTools support platform. Sorry you are having problems using GPG Suite.

    There are a few aspects to your question. Most importantly: do you have a backup of your old mac? You would need to transfer your own secret OpenPGP key(s) to your new mac since they are required to decrypt any message encrypted with your public key.

    AS for the expired keys, you can open GPG Keychain, select the entry of the expired public key and press ⌘U (menubar: Key > Update from Key Server). That will check if a newer version of that key exists on the key server and download the public key if that is the case.


  3. 3 Posted by Ted Barben on 17 Aug, 2020 02:41 PM

    Ted Barben's Avatar

    Thank you, Steve.

    I was able to transfer the GPG Keychain from the old to the new computer. ⌘U updated the GPG tools team public key but not the Kraken Exchange public key. I guess that means that there is no updated public key for them.

    It all seems to be working anyway.

    Thank you for your help.



  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Steve on 17 Aug, 2020 02:43 PM

    Steve's Avatar

    Sounds good. If you managed to transfer your secret key, that entry will show in bold in GPG Keychain.

    You can ask Kraken directly where to find their current key. They might be using the old key servers or only have their public key on their website so it is best to reach out to them directly.

    Have a great day,

  5. Steve closed this discussion on 17 Aug, 2020 02:43 PM.

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