GPG Services: how to create binary signatures

stefanomarty's Avatar


24 Nov, 2019 03:11 PM

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GPG Service

Attach a screenshot of the version info for all installed components (how to:

I just updated to GPG_Suite-2019.2

Describe your problem. Add as much detail as possible.

The standard output for GPG Services signatures is ASCII Armor. According to this article:
the default can be switched off and set back to binary. I tried the suggested commands, but I still get ASCII armor signatures.

What did you expect instead

I expected a signature in binary form.

Describe steps leading to the problem.

  1. Modify the standard output with this command in terminal:

    defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/org.gpgtools.gpgservices UseASCIIOutput -bool NO
  2. Verify the parameter is changed:

    defaults read ~/Library/Preferences/org.gpgtools.gpgservices UseASCIIOutput
    0  <-- OK
  3. Sign a random file in Finder
    Select the key
    Insert passphrase

  4. Check the signature file
    I expected a binary file.txt.sig file, but I still get an ASCII armor file, even with the parameter set to zero.

Are you using any other plugins?


  1. 1 Posted by Mento on 13 Dec, 2019 10:16 AM

    Mento's Avatar


    the UseASCIIOutput option only affects file encryption, not signatures.
    By defaults GPG Services uses the binary mode, when it encrypts a file. By setting UseASCIIOutput to YES, the encrypted files are stored using ASCII armor.

    There is currently no option to tell GPGServices to create detached binary signatures.

    Regards, Mento

  2. Steve closed this discussion on 04 Mar, 2020 12:08 PM.

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