Possible dumb question: Does recipient of GPG encrypted email need same setup on their end?

Greg Malone's Avatar

Greg Malone

25 Jul, 2015 07:11 PM

I tried looking for this answer first, but for some reason the question isn't addressed in FAQ or other searches.

If I adopt GPG encrypting of emails as a standard practice, do all of my recipients need to have the same complicated setup on their end?

Thanks for the help.


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Steve on 06 Aug, 2015 01:22 PM

    Steve's Avatar

    Hey Greg,

    there are no stupid questions! Especially not when dealing with public key cryptography (:

    This KB-article explains the basics of public key cryptography. It's a long text but worth the time.

    Your question is also addressed in our Getting Started Tutorial.

    Basically in order for you to send an encrypted mail, you need the public key of the recipient. So if you do not have that, you will not be able to create an encrypted mails. Even if you default to encrypt new mails, that setting appleis only to recipients for whom you do have a public key.

    Let me know if you have more questions or need further assistance after going through that KB.

    Best, steve

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Steve on 26 Nov, 2015 11:31 PM

    Steve's Avatar

    Closing, since no further user feedback was received. Should your problem persist, feel free to re-open this discussion any time.

    All the best, steve

  3. Steve closed this discussion on 26 Nov, 2015 11:31 PM.

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