Thoughts: Paid product means more responsibilities

philip's Avatar


Oct 18, 2014 @ 01:43 AM

I'm really happy about what you guys have been doing and I wouldn't mind paying for this software at all (I'm pretty sure I've donated at least once). I'm curious how things will be structured once you start charging, though.

For example, the last release was almost a year ago and many of the support tickets that I have seen suggested trying out the nightly snapshots. Will you have more frequent releases to incorporate bugfixes? You can't expect paying customers to use nightlies! Will you be charging for bugfixes or will you start incrementing your version number with the OS and only charge for major versions?

Also, how will you handle feature requests? For example, GPGTools handles smart cards (OpenPGP card, Yubikey NEO, etc) very poorly, even though gnupg handles them well. Will you be responsive to requests to implement/fix features?

Again, thanks for the good work and it's great to see this project keep going,


  1. 1 Posted by johnqbrady on Oct 18, 2014 @ 09:35 PM

    johnqbrady's Avatar

    OK so I would echo this user's sentiments about responsibility and responsiveness.

    Apple released Yosemite for public beta for the first time but has long done developer betas. You guys should obviously be Apple Developer Network subscribers?

    I see Yosemite public beta users saying it GPGSuite doesn't work with Yosemite 3-6 mos. ago. Now the release is in production and each day a few hundred more GPGSuite users are frustrated not to have a Yosemite-capable version of your stuff.

    Have you been hard at work on the Yosemite version for months and months or are you getting to it now that its production?

    ... and tell me again why I donated?

    John Brady

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Luke Le on Oct 19, 2014 @ 05:14 AM

    Luke Le's Avatar

    Hi Phillip,

    to answer your questions one by one:
    1.) We will definitely have more frequent releases. The nightlies are a terrible "solution" (they are not a solution), but with limited time on our hands, we didn't find the time to prepare a thoroughly tested release and the nightlies at least included fixes. It's one of the many reasons, which led us to this decision.
    2.) I don't know if you've read the entire article (we know, it was very long, didn't think it would get so long), but we mention in there, that we'll charge for major OS X versions. So 10.10 now, next 10.11 (if they continue their numbering scheme) and so on.
    3.) We'll certainly consider every feature request as we're already doing, and base the decision which one's to prioritize higher on number of user requests. We've had an OpenPGP card but have not found the time yet to test it properly.

    Hope that answers your question and feel free to ask if you have any others.

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Luke Le on Oct 19, 2014 @ 05:19 AM

    Luke Le's Avatar

    Hi John,

    I've written an answer on the OS X 10.10 thread on lighthouse:

    We absolutely understand if you'd rather have your donation refunded.
    Please let us know if we should do that.

  4. Steve closed this discussion on Feb 24, 2016 @ 11:55 AM.

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