GPG Keychain: Cannot use GPG - Lost my keys for some unknown reason

Avineshwar's Avatar


10 Jul, 2017 02:42 PM


Afaik, this happened out of nowhere. I was simply using GPG keychain to send signed and/or encrypted emails like I regularly do. After sometime I cannot use my key anymore from the Mail app as the option to use key was greyed out. I opened GPG Keychain to see what happened and it was just a blank page.

I want to link it with some update that might have happened but I cannot recall anything like that (it may have went unnoticed). What I believe is irrespective of this issue, I should be able to import any kind of export secret keys back. Now, I cannot do that due to some reason. I have exported my secret key and now I want to import it inside the GPG Keychain app but it processes and never imports.

I want to import my secret/private key(s) back into GPG Keychain so that I can send signed email.

macOS           10.12.5     16F73
GPG Suite       2017.1b3    1812    (d43863c)
GPGMail         2.7b3       1215    (d0b5fa0)
GPG Keychain    1.3.3b2     1271    (028a4a2)
GPGServices     1.11        916     (872e77d)
MacGPG2         2.0.30-1b2  887-    (4912d26)
GPGPreferences  2.0.2b3     927     (641418e)
Libmacgpg       0.7         782     (536bf51)
pinentry        0.9.7       4       (b75069d)
  1. 1 Posted by Avineshwar on 10 Jul, 2017 02:53 PM

    Avineshwar's Avatar

    Uninstalling the above-stated version and installed nightly fixed it, i.e., the keys were never lost, it had something to do with GPG Keychain app itself which was making it impossible to do any kind of operation related to keys from the app (import keys/export keys/retrieve keys/ et cetera).

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Steve on 10 Jul, 2017 03:14 PM

    Steve's Avatar

    Hi Avineshwar,

    welcome to the GPGTools support platform. Sorry you are having problems using GPG Suite.

    We've had rare report about such behavior. Please stick to the nightly until you are offered to update to the next still to be released beta and make sure to let us know if you run into any further issues.

    All the best,

  3. Steve closed this discussion on 10 Jul, 2017 03:14 PM.

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