GPGServices: Not able to Decrypt messages after the recent update

Surya's Avatar


10 Feb, 2017 07:56 AM


Hope this message finds you well. This morning received a notification saying the older version doesnt work with mail so download the latest version. SInce then i have been trying to decrypt my messages using private key and my screen just freezes as soon as i hit decrypt.

Normal Encryption and Decryption

macOS           10.12.1     16B2555
GPG Suite       2017.1b2    31b 
GPGMail -
GPG Keychain    1.3.3b1     1249b
GPGServices     1.11        916 
MacGPG2         2.0.30-1b2  887-
GPGPreferences  2.0.2b2     912b
Libmacgpg       0.7         775 
pinentry        0.9.7       4
  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Steve on 13 Feb, 2017 09:45 AM

    Steve's Avatar

    Hey Surya,

    welcome to the GPGTools support platform. Sorry you are having problems using GPG Suite.

    Are you using GPGMail as well? It seems that is not installed on your system.

    Let's test gpg encryption and decryption in the terminal.

    1. click spotlight at the top right menubar and type 'terminal'
    2. open by pressing enter
    3. in the new terminal window
    4. paste the following without the ' 'gpg2 -ae --default-recipient-self <<<OK'
    5. a PGP message will be created
    6. paste the following without the ' 'gpg2 -ae --default-recipient-self <<<OK | gpg2 -d'
    7. you will be asked for your password (if your password is still in the cache or stored in the macOS keychain you will not be asked)
    8. when everything is fine you should see the word "OK" in your terminal - in that case decryption worked as expected

    Does that work?

    If yes, can you encrypt some sample text in TextEdit and then try decrypting.

    Again, does that work?

    All the best,

  2. 2 Posted by Surya Punja on 13 Feb, 2017 10:09 AM

    Surya Punja's Avatar

    Thanks for the help started working cheers

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Steve on 13 Feb, 2017 12:35 PM

    Steve's Avatar

    Perfect. Glad, this is solved for you. I'm closing this discussion. Should you need further assistance or have questions you can re-open this discussion here or open a new one any time.

    Best, steve

  4. Steve closed this discussion on 13 Feb, 2017 12:35 PM.

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