re-opened due to no REAL answer -- How to install on iPad... (web)
Only 4 days of activity ?
I lost the link to this forum.
-- to: Luke Le Yes, that link. iPad support would be awesome. Will
GPGTools for iPad be a separate app that uses the clipboard... Sort
of like GPGKey on windows... Decrypt from clipboard, encrypt to
clipboard, maybe an ability to paste a key from clipboard, or
import a file or link that is an extracted key file, might also
need a generate function, add a pic, edit key comments, might want
to support multiple pub keys of multiple len/encode method, maybe a
Gpg command builder with checkboxes for the options and allow user
to edit command line w/ both submit and cancel buttons... I have
used Gpg for years, both for business and personal use. :). Still
learning the command-line, so extensive GUI support is desired...
especially if basic users want metro teach them about using
encryption. ;)
I know... I'm a power Gpg user, who can struggle through
command-line use when necessary... writing scripted Gpg calls.
-- to: david Does IPG also send or encrypt-to-send? Isn't IGP the $49 app?
Original thread follows--
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How to install on iPad... (web)
February 16, 2012 @ 07:11 PM via email
Can't find a download off install link, or instructions to
Also, does your app require that the iPad be 'jailbroke'? My iPad
has never run "jailbreak", not even sure how.
SUPPORT STAFF2 Posted by Luke Le on February 17, 2012 @ 03:28 AM
we don't actually have any tool that runs on the iPad.
Yet, i might add :)
Are you referring to this one:
3 Posted by david on February 19, 2012 @ 09:53 AM
I've been using IPG mail for this purpose. It is still rough around the edges but I can at least read the messages ;-)
SUPPORT STAFF4 Posted by Steve on February 20, 2012 @ 09:02 AM
Think this is solved :)
Steve closed this discussion on February 20, 2012 @ 09:02 AM.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Steve on 20 Feb, 2012 05:24 PM
so you are requesting an ipad version. we'll that has been on my alltime-GPGTools wishlist. but we didn't get through to that so far. and it is currently unclear if we will. atm, we are working on a stable GPGMail release. the next release will be great. lots of improvements.
as for the iOS solution: we'd love to provide sth ourselves but that mainly is a question of time. although we'd love to just code a week full time and come up with sth, we simply can't. we have private lives and jobs as well. all this is voluntarily. so I can't promise anything for the near future.
also I can't quite follow what the issue is. what do you mean by: only 4 days of activity? and no REAL answer? the answer is: we don't have any solution for iOS coming from the GPGTools Project Team yet.
2 Posted by Barry Smith on 20 Feb, 2012 08:03 PM
Yes, I was checking on iOS 5 development. I found on a page discussing Gpg solutions for iPad a link to your download page.
I was asking for help for installing the latest iOS release of Gpgtools, which was supposed to be at .
I have used many Gpg tools and GUIs and was looking for an iPad solution for receiving and sending Gpg email and attachments from my iPad.
Support Staff 3 Posted by Steve on 21 Feb, 2012 06:08 PM
Yes I think I perfectly understood your question in the first place. I also tried answering it and am not quite sure how I did not answer it - but let me try again.
The page you are referring to is a webpage. It is there to direct users with interest in such a thing like GPGTools on iOS to that page and serve as a place of information. There also is a link to the wiki:
Read that to get a better understanding of the current project state. But your asking might indicate we need to make it clearer on the webpage that it currently is only a proof of concept not a working solution.
And sorry to disappoint: currently there is no GPGTools on iOS yet.
Hope this helps, steve
4 Posted by David on 21 Feb, 2012 07:55 PM
Hi Barry (and Steve)
I might be a little dense but I am missing a little bit where the issue is. The volunteers have coded a gpg tools for macs and although I'm sure they would LOVE to offer an iOS version they didn't/don't have the time and resources to commit. The web page about the concept on iOS seems pretty clear to me. They don't post an installer or more importantly a link to the app store...
Why not use IPG mail?
I think there might even be more than one GPG tool for iOS. I for one like to be able to decrypt my emails on the go. BUT there is also a vocal faction that opposes PGP on cell phones since you need to store your private key on them (security risk).
BTW the developer of IPG Mail is nice if you have trouble (like I did) and helped get me started and had a patch pending with a bug that tripped me up.
Good luck!
Support Staff 5 Posted by Steve on 21 Feb, 2012 10:12 PM
@david: thanks for chiming in on this. everybody is welcome to participate on this platform. very few actually do so, so this makes me very happy.
I think everything is crystal clear now. :)
I also use iPGMail. It does the job and is a workaround for now. Maybe we can come up with a solution. Biggest factor as said: time.
6 Posted by Barry Smith on 22 Feb, 2012 01:44 AM
@david (and all). IGPMail appears to be an awesome app. Yet, it is not open source, or GPL, or Freeware, or free. I respect the payment of a small fee up front, but there is still a small fee up front. I am a person who wrote Freeware tools, I have helped with GPL projects as a tester & developer.
I am the kind of person who has donated $40 or more to a project because I used the product and found it useful. I have downloaded trial versions of software for FREE and paid to lisence or upgrade.
As to a GPG utility, I am comfortable enough with code that if a FREE solution didn't exist, I would download the source for FireGPG, AND ADAPT IT FOR IPAD BECAUSE I NEVER PAY FOR SOFTWARE BEFORE I USED IT, NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE. In the day, I paid a computer store a dollar for a floppy disk of utilities, got home and found out the floppy was filled with software that was 6 months to a year old. I promised myself at that moment that I would NEVER pay-before-I-played EVER.
That's my paradigm, or point of view. I don't pay before I know software works. That's me.
@steve... Do you need a volunteer to bring it home? I have connections to individual programmers and teams with approved apps in the AppStore.
Peace to all. :)
7 Posted by Barry Smith on 22 Feb, 2012 02:04 AM
@steve... I mentioned FireGPG. FireGPG was an OpenSource or GPL JavaScript plugin for Firefox. If you need a starting point, you should be able to grab the source for FireGPG, to study or base development on.
Support Staff 8 Posted by Luke Le on 22 Feb, 2012 08:17 AM
Hi Barry,
I believe you're slightly missing the point here.
We'd have very good ideas for bringing our solution
to the iPad but not the time to do it.
Also for it to really be comfortable to use, you'd have
to connect it with a mail application which again would be
a huge project, considering it should not only work well but
also provide the look and feel that iPad users expect.
Unfortunately that exact look and feel is not provided by any
GPG capable app currently available on iOS.
The second kind of hard part is porting GPG itself to iOS.
I've tried before but it's certainly not that easy.
If you have access to people and can get them to work
on it for free, we're very happy to provide any input we can.
9 Posted by david on 22 Feb, 2012 09:42 AM
Hi Barry,
I can see your point. Maybe you can join the project and get something going?!? But that of course is between you, luke, steve and whomever else is involved in that part.
I understand your reasoning, in my case I just don't have the skill set needed and IPG filled my needs, was cheap and works. I'm not disagreeing with you that open source, freeware or trialware is not a "better" way to go.
It just read to me a little like an "attack" on the developers of the project. I always feel that if someone invests their time and skills to help provide a service they more or less alone choose where their priorities lie. I'd rather have GPG tools for mac (and it was on life support for awhile) then an iOS client.
I apologize if I overreacted. If you have the skills and connections to implement a free gpg client, it can only improve the whole field.
IPG fills my needs but I'm always willing to try new apps.. From Luke it sounds like a bigger project but by all means give it a go!
Support Staff 10 Posted by Steve on 24 Feb, 2012 10:20 AM
Great guys. I love that we are now having a very interesting discussion on this platform. This was our initial intent when moving from a mailing list to this platform here. :)
Alex closed this discussion on 04 Mar, 2012 09:50 PM.