Have to enter decryption key in Mail numerous times on start up (on average 3-4 times)
I'm not sure if this is a bug or the way gpg has to be implemented in lion because of the preview lines before you open the message. Every time I open Mail or after sleep I have to enter the decryption key at least three to four times even if the selected message is not encrypted. I know I could save the password to my keychain but I would prefer not to. In a previous version one could set a timer for how long the decryption key would stay "active" and would only have to enter it once for said time period.
I cannot find this with the lion version.
I woud also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who "rebooted" the mac gpg community with not only the complete package issue but also the nice looking web site. I'll try to pitch in if I an answer a question (unlikely) or some bug finding...
One "typo" I saw was under the "want to contribute section" -> Marketing and Evangelism, last line "convince a friend to setup mail encryption for saFe communication and not save! (Maybe again an overeager mac spellchecker..
Best regards,
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Luke Le on 19 Feb, 2012 02:56 PM
Hi David!
Thanks, we're trying our best to actively work on bringing the easiest OpenPGP experience to OS X!
Your issue has come up a lot before, and I'm glad to tell you, we've tackled it this weekend and it's already fixed in the source.
We'll be releasing a new version soon, which will let you set a preference, whether or not you want the list preview to be created.
If you disable it, it will no longer ask you on startup but only if you select an encrypted message.
I can send you a pre-release version for testing if you want.
Thanks for the feedback on our site, we'll correct the issue!
2 Posted by David on 19 Feb, 2012 03:00 PM
Hi Luke Le,
Now that is SCARY fast ;-) Certainly I would gladly help test the prerelease software. You can also add me to a beta/prerelease list. I'm not a developer but have been using macs since OS 6.7 and will try to help where I can... I'll try to become active in the wikis German and English in the coming weeks.
Best Regards,
Support Staff 3 Posted by Luke Le on 19 Feb, 2012 03:02 PM
Ah you're german? Our team is mainly from Austria & Germany :)
I'll build you a version to test and send you the link here once it's done
4 Posted by David on 19 Feb, 2012 03:12 PM
Ohh the blasphemy! NOOOOO, I'm Swiss, the third of the German speaking countries all though we don't admit it and have some smaller tiffs with our big brothers to the North!
Also dual citizen (American). I work for a Swiss company in the states...
Bis Bald und noch einen schönen Sonntag,
Support Staff 5 Posted by Luke Le on 19 Feb, 2012 03:30 PM
Hehe! Didn't want to offend you :D I'm italian anyway, only living in Austria.
Here's the promised version 2.0a33 - http://cl.ly/0O1x3f3P1J0l1k2O382u
Be aware this is a freshly baked dev version!
Let us know if it works!
6 Posted by David on 19 Feb, 2012 03:39 PM
Hi Luke,
Bella Italia and you lump yourself together with us Germans, Austrians and Swiss!?!?!
Shame on you! Then again with your former prime minister... At least it was never boring :-)))))
Installed the bundle and replaced the old one.
Three very quick and first impressions.
It works! My mac book air (newest model) running 10.7.3 and no crashes!
2. Under the prefs, it shows it's running but still a text place holder (see screen shot)
3. If I put in the preview list check mark, do I have to enter the private key for every preview or just once for all of them? I don't mind entering at startup for all previews just not if it has to be for each and very previewed message ;-0 !
Thanks, hope the first feedback helps,
Support Staff 7 Posted by Luke Le on 19 Feb, 2012 03:51 PM
Hi Davide,
hehe, Italy is great, no doubt, but coming from the very norther part (Southtyrol, Bolzano), Vienna doesn't make such a big difference. Besides the coffee, it's bad here, seriously bad! :D
2.) We still have to insert all the real text once we've got our next stable release.
3.) If you installed the whole GPGTools package you should have GPGPreferences preference pane in System Preferences. There you can set the seconds keys should be cached. So you enter once for every key, after that are no longer bothered for set seconds.
8 Posted by david on 19 Feb, 2012 03:57 PM
PERFECT that was what I was looking for in the preferences window. I set the timeout to 30 minutes. This menu as you well know used to be with the mail preferences and that was where I was looking...
Just got a new DeLonghi and almost spilled my Cappuccino (for real :-) )
Thanks for the prerelease, need to get back to work but then will start to hunt down and expand the wikis...
Support Staff 9 Posted by Luke Le on 19 Feb, 2012 04:01 PM
Hehe, a DeLonghi can make good coffee but you still have to adjust it and find the right beans and stuff :)
That's true, it was there but since we've now added a bunch of other apps which also use that setting, we've decided to put it outside.
Also, GPGMail 2 for Lion is a complete rewrite, so we've thrown out every preference which is not super necessary, and will add only those that are really important.
Other preferences will be made available via the defaults command.
10 Posted by david on 19 Feb, 2012 04:09 PM
No, don't get me wrong as I said to begin with where I thanked you all. Great reboot and it's always a good idea to sometimes reset and reevaluate the code. Oldtimers get confused and have to use their brains (never a bad thing) or come screaming for help since they are too lazy or just plain don't think ;-) Makes more sense now since it's a whole set of tools.
As for the coffee, the Italian is speaking... Me I got an "old style" with the barista setting. But pre ground espresso put in the filter holder and voilà cappuccino made :-) or espresso ! Not enough of an expert but can tell the difference between swill (US coffee pre Starbucks), Italian or Austrian (yes, it's pretty bad but on business trips I usually stick with tea since they give me a bag and hot water and then I can only blame myself if I screw up :-)
Support Staff 11 Posted by Steve on 20 Feb, 2012 02:07 PM
Lol you too. I'm not intending to cut off your coffee discussion. :P
Feel free to re-open if exchange of further details about bean brands is necessary.
Closing for now, steve
Steve closed this discussion on 20 Feb, 2012 02:07 PM.