
Pierre's Avatar


Jan 02, 2012 @ 10:51 AM


"MESSAGE_IS_PGP_SIGNED (email address)" is displayed when looking at a signed email in (Lion, french). I guess that this is probably an un-translated string in GPGtools ... I see a lot of other un-translated terms in the interface (it's like half english half french). I could spend some time providing translation ... I followed all the steps in the localization wiki but couldn't find anything. For example in GPGpreferences, the English.lproj is empty so I don't see the urpose of duplicating it in French.lproj ...
Also I think it should be valuable if you could list all the project that need translation in github. The wiki page just describes the process of forking/cloning, but in fact, you dont know what to fork/clone (this might be obvious for you but for me ... a search in github wiith GPG returned many results, most of them I guess not related with tha Mac GPG).
Thanks and happy new year !

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Luke Le on Jan 02, 2012 @ 11:26 AM

    Luke Le's Avatar

    Hi Pierre.

    you are right there's loads of untranslated strings
    especially in GPGMail since 2.0 is a complete rewrite. Could you send us some screenshots?

    We've already started discussing the issue of the translation system
    being too complicated.

    It would be terrific if you could help us with the french translation!
    We'll update the wiki accordingly so it will be easier for you
    to get started.

    I'll post you when that is done

  2. 2 Posted by Pierre on Jan 02, 2012 @ 11:50 AM

    Pierre's Avatar


    1 screenshot from the GPGMail preferences and 1 from an opened email. GPG KeychainAccess seems to be almost completely translated so I guess it's not that much work.
    In any case, I think I could help if it's not too complicated to do (I am not a hardcore programmer, more like a website developper, HTML/CSS/PHP/js). I just installed github for mac, and forked/cloned 2 projects so I guess I can manage if it does not require Objective C or whatever language skills.

    I don't know if you have any plans regarding the web site ... that's probably a lot of work to translate ... we could start slowly :)


  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Steve on Jan 12, 2012 @ 08:27 PM

    Steve's Avatar

    Hey Pierre,
    sorry for the slow response. Busy times... I wrote down your mail address and will contact you if we need to localize something (which will be the case once GPGMail goes beta or final). We are always looking for people willing to help out with localizations.

    Thanks for your kind offer.

  4. Steve closed this discussion on Jan 12, 2012 @ 08:27 PM.

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