More topics on GPG encryption
I am pretty new when it comes to GPG encryption. I have looked at the information provided in the gpgtools website regarding encryption and how it works.
I actually came into using GPGtools when one of my computer science professors is actually using GPGtools on his MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard on Thunderbird. He encrypts his messages using the encrypting feature. I see it whenever I send an email to this professor of mine.
Anyhow, I am just wondering, how do most of you use GPGtools to provide security into your emails? Examples would be greatly appreciated. Also, any other helpful resources would be great too.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Luke Le on 29 Oct, 2012 08:05 PM
Hi Francis,
this might not completely answer your question I guess, but you should consider reading on how to use GPGTools to encrypt emails or our Getting Started guide which gives a better overview of what is possible.
Unfortunately our documentation is still not as good as it should be, but we'll hope to change this soon.
Steve closed this discussion on 20 Jan, 2013 07:06 PM.