Ridiculous (web)
Come on, last release only in February, GPG mail doesn't work under 10.8 at all.
I've supported you several times with donations, but maybe time to get commercial if you cannot do it through donations? You've got an amazing product and right now you're just burying it under the ground....
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Luke Le on 24 Oct, 2012 01:12 PM
Hi D,
if you've donated before, we're very sorry that you haven't received your GPGMail preview earlier. Our mailserver wasn't configured correctly so a few of the first preview emails got lost in the ether :(
You're absolutely right that we should go commercial, but at the time when Mountain Lion previews started to be seeded we had absolutely no resources to make that change, since it big amount of work. We are all freelancers and simply didn't have the time to devote ourselves to GPGTools as much as we wished we could.
Things have changed a little and we've already started to think about new ways to get this project to the next step and make it an open source project which feels like a commercial project. Of course we're just getting started with that.
What you're certainly not gonna see happening in the near futures is this project being buried.
Also, you will see the GPGMail for Mountain Lion is already pretty stable, so I hope you enjoy it and please let us know what you find.
The missing updates are also indeed a very real problem, which is much more a problem of communication than the lack of work we put into the project. We've contiously updated each project but only put them on nightly.gpgtools.org since it was very hard to find the time and finalize releases. These are all excuses of course, but the reality is simply, we didn't have enough time, donations helped us to free some time, we have a little bit more time now and hopefully we'll have even more time in the near future.
2 Posted by Dmitry Paranyus... on 24 Oct, 2012 01:15 PM
Aha cool! I'm transferring another 20 eur then!!
And can you tell me: for example if I used the previous version, had some mails encoded and then there's the new 10.8 and I can't use GPGMail anymore, how can I then read the previous emails encoded with it?
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Support Staff 3 Posted by Luke Le on 24 Oct, 2012 01:20 PM
Well, now as you have GPGMail for 10.8 again, simply use that.
But as a workaround you could always use GPGServices inside Mail.app
In order to do that, please install the latest version of GPGServices from
and read this article on how to enable GPGServices http://support.gpgtools.org/kb/how-to/how-to-activate-gpgservices
P.S.: Do you speak german? Liebe Grüße nach Berlin :)
Steve closed this discussion on 20 Jan, 2013 06:57 PM.