MacOSX Lion & MacGPG2 Query
I was wondering if anyone has managed to get working system
using MacGPG2 (2.0.18), Enigmail 1.4.3, Thunderbird 14.0 running
under MacOSX Lion 10.7.4.
I tried to update Thunderbird and Enigmail from a working system
running under the following configuration without any success:
MacGPG2 (2.0.18), Enigmail 1.4.2, Thunderbird 13.0 running under
MacOSX Lio 10.7.4. I have since reverted to that configuration and
updated Thunderbird to version 13.0.1 which is also working without
any apparent problems.
The issue that arises is that when I attempt to open any
encrypted messages the messages show the locked symbol.
When I click on the locked message icon I get a message along the
lines that the authentication has failed - either the stored
password(s) are incorrect or the message is not intended for
I then googled to try to find a solution without much success.
Then I checked the OpenPGP debugging log and found the following error message:
OpenPGP Security Info
Error - signature verification failed
gpg command line and output
gpg problem with the agent: End of file
gpg encrypted with 1024-bit ELG key, ID XXXXXXXX, created 2007-03-21
"User Name <email address>"
gpg public key decryption failed: Operation cancelled
gpg decryption failed: No secret key
The net result was that in order to get the Enigmail back running properly again I have had to reinstate the installed software configuration to MacGPG2 (2.0.18), Thunderbird 13.0.1 and Enigmail 1.4.2.
Please someone confirn what the latest stable release of MacGPG2
I am somewhat concerned that version 2.0.18 may not be a stable
release of the product.
Any advice/feedback would greatly appreciated.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Steve on 10 Aug, 2012 07:27 PM
Hi Mr. Anonymous,
I'd suggest to get the latest version of all the tools you are using, which would in your case be:
Thunderbird 14.0
Enigmail 1.4.3
MacGPG2 2.0.19 (please install the macgpg2 nightly version from here:
Does this solve your problem?
All the best,
2 Posted by support on 13 Aug, 2012 03:47 PM
Hi Steve,
Thank you for the feedback.
I'll try updating to the latest nightly build first and then update the others.
I'll let you know how I get on.
Thanks again
Support Staff 3 Posted by Steve on 13 Aug, 2012 04:17 PM
Sure. Let us know how it goes.
Support Staff 4 Posted by Steve on 24 Aug, 2012 04:50 PM
No further user feedback. Closing.
@Anon: Should your problem persist, feel free to re-open this discussion any time.
All the best,
Please consider a donation. We do all this in our spare time.
Steve closed this discussion on 24 Aug, 2012 04:50 PM.