No Public Key Made
I tried to generate a key pair and only my secret key is
visible. I don't know how to access my public key. How many symbols
long should the secret key be?
Also, when I try to send my key to the keyserver, it fails.
I would appreciate some advice..... thank you.....
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Steve on 03 Aug, 2012 07:21 PM
Uma, the sec and pub key problem is mainly confusing due to the way it is presented to the user in GPG Keychain Access. You see a sec type key for your own key. It is bold. That means it includes the pub key as well. This come up occasionally and is not solved perfectly. I'll write a FAQ about this soon.
So if you want to access your pub key you can simply mark your sec key and say "export" (via menu or shortcut or right click) and then make sure to not tick the box "export sec key as well". When that is not ticked only your pub key will be exported.
The same applies when you want to upload your key to the key servers. Select the sec key, then choose upload to key server (menu, right click or shortcut) and only the pub key will be uploaded.
As for your issues with the key server in general: could you please try our nightly installer from here: run that and then see if the problem persists. If you still encounter issues after installing the nightly GPGTools installer, try changing the key server in the GPG Keychain Access settings.
Hope this helps,
Support Staff 2 Posted by Steve on 15 Aug, 2012 08:56 AM
No further user feedback. Closing.
@Uma: Should your problem persist, feel free to re-open this discussion any time.
All the best,
Please consider a donation. We do all this in our spare time.
Steve closed this discussion on 15 Aug, 2012 08:56 AM.