Can't encrypt FILES

Dale's Avatar


Jun 27, 2012 @ 10:17 AM


  • Software name and version: GPG Keychain Access 1.0b3); Version 1.0b7 (1.0b7)
  • OS X version: 10.7.4
  • GPGTools Installer date: GPGTools-20120318

I have installed gpg on my MacBook air, OSX 10.7.4
I want to encrypt a text file written in text edit or by any other means.
I have imported into the GPG keychain access my key, and the public key of someone I want to send the encrypted file to.
I have checked all the OpenPGP services in in System Preferences.

But when I open Text edit there are no Encrypt options shown under the Edit drop down menu, and pressing upper case-cmd-E does nothing either. (although uppercase-cmd-k does open a "select key" window I cannot understand what I am supposed do with it. My key shows up in a drop down window, but no other keys such as those of persons I want to be able to decrypt it.

The video tutorial does not help, it just shows encryption magically happening.

Looking through the support pages I saw someone with a similar problem and then "installed the nightly build and fixed the issue.". But what nightly build? There is a whole list of them.
In any case, is that the problem? Do I have to put a file into Text edit to encrypt it? can't I just select a file and encrypt it directly?

Could someone please explain what I am doing wrong and generally how to encrypt files with someone else's public key.

Thanks for any advice,

  • Have you already tried running the latest nightly of the GPGTool Installer? I installed the GPG Keychain Access-trunk.dmg 04-Jun-2012 20:04 but still the same problem. Should I install all of them, or?
  1. 1 Posted by cfraire on Jun 27, 2012 @ 02:05 PM

    cfraire's Avatar

    Hi, Dale.

    Please install "GPGTools_Installer-trunk.dmg" from the It is a multi-package installer for GPG Keychain Access, GPGMail, GPGPreferences, GPGServices, and MacGPG2.

  2. 2 Posted by Chris on Jun 28, 2012 @ 10:31 AM

    Chris's Avatar

    I am experiencing a similar issue to the OP. Not sure if I should or shouldn't open a new topic or if it is ok to post here. Not trying to hijack thread.

    I have installed the recommended nightly installer. This allows me to select the OpenPGP encryption from Services in TextEdit. However, I receive the following error:
    The “OpenPGP: Encrypt File” service could not be used because the “GPGServices” application did not respond to a request for services.

    If I attempt to go to system preferences-keyboard shortcuts to enable OpenPGP there is no Services option to check or uncheck.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Oh, I'm using a macbook pro. Thanks

  3. 3 Posted by Dale on Jun 28, 2012 @ 08:10 PM

    Dale's Avatar

    Hello cfraire or anyone else:
    I just installed GPGTools_Installer-trunk.dmg but there is no change, see above.
    (no Encrypt options shown under the Edit drop down menu, and pressing upper case-cmd-E does nothing either) Any other ideas?
    Also, is there some way to just encrypt a file by selecting it directly in the finder?
    Thanks for any advice.

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Luke Le on Jun 28, 2012 @ 08:49 PM

    Luke Le's Avatar

    Hi Dale,

    it should be as easy as right clicking on a file and select Services -> GPG: Encrypt file.
    But i don't think it's available if the other methods don't work.
    Unfortunately Services are a fragile thing on OS X.
    Also try to restart your system. That might help.

  5. 5 Posted by Dale on Jun 29, 2012 @ 03:12 PM

    Dale's Avatar

    Well, the file encryption method you mention almost works.
    If I right click (control-click, this is a mac) a file and choose services-Open PGP-encrypt file, it does encrypt the file. But I find 2 problems. First the file produced is, I suppose, binary, not ASCII, it has no "Begin" and "End" line that the ACII encryptions I am used to have.
    Secondly, In the past, when I send a binary encrypted file to the person whose key I used for the encryption, he could not decrypt it, although I can decrypt it using my key here. He seemed to think the problem had to do with the fact that it was not ASCII. I don't know, but I was certainly used to getting ASCII files, and they are certainly much easier to handle as they can be included in other documents.

    I assume it is encrypting it with both his key and my key. Is that correct? I did not ask it to use my key, I chose his, but I was able to decrypt it.

    Also, if I control-click in a blank place on a document I am writing in Text Edit I get a drop down menu that has the choices "Open GPG: Insert my key" and "Open PGP: Insert my Fingerprint", but nothing about Encrypting. This also works with the keyboard shortcuts (upper case-cmd-k & upper case-cmd-f) while in Text Edit. But as I first mentioned upper case-cmd-e does nothing.

    I hope this helps to narrow the possible problem, but in any case let me know if there is any way to get it to encrypt to ASCII rather than binary.

    I am attaching the file that I have encrypted by choosing the GPG Tools Project Key.

  6. 6 Posted by cfraire on Jun 30, 2012 @ 07:42 PM

    cfraire's Avatar


    With the version of GPGServices from, you can set a preference to use ASCII armoring for single-file encryption in Finder:

    $ defaults write org.gpgtools.gpgservices UseASCIIOutput -bool YES

    For your second issue, where you "control-click in a blank place on a document", instead please highlight text in a document and then control-click the selection in order to see more OpenPGP options for encryption, decryption, and signing.

  7. 7 Posted by Dale on Jul 02, 2012 @ 06:45 AM

    Dale's Avatar

    Thanks cfraire, it works. Or at least that part of it works. I reset the preferences as you suggested and now control-click-E will allow me to encode anything I have selected.
    This was what was most important to me, and I can now use it as needed.

    Text edit still has no encrypt in the drop down menu. I suspect this is a Mac OS thing. I understand that all this works ok in windows where my friend can choose in some menu to encrypt in either binary or ascii. But for me, this is what I needed.
    Thanks again,

  8. 8 Posted by skysong263 on Jul 17, 2012 @ 07:06 PM

    skysong263's Avatar

    Very confusing. I went to I looked for something with "trunk" in it. I found no such option in the list.

    Moreover, all of the options are stated to be untested == very alarming.

  9. Support Staff 9 Posted by Steve on Jul 22, 2012 @ 06:42 PM

    Steve's Avatar

    @Skysong263 is the place to go. Untested nightly is correct, because those builds are automatically created build which contain the latest code fixes and patches. Thus the term "untested".

    But since we are trying to investigate the problem from this discussion those are the build that are best for testing. Do you still need assistance? What is your current issue?

    Hope this helps and all the best,

  10. 10 Posted by D. Q. on Aug 05, 2012 @ 03:00 PM

    D. Q.'s Avatar

    I had everything working fine until a few days ago when I installled 'Mountain Lion' on my mac. Now I get the message,
     "Mail has disabled the following plug-ins. GPG mail. Contact the makers of these plug-ins for versions that are compatible with Mail 6.0 and Message 6.0."

     I assumed that you people would be aware of the incompatability with the new Mac OS, so I had decided to wait a bit to let you work things out before I mentioned it. Is there now a new build that addresses this issue?

  11. Support Staff 11 Posted by Steve on Aug 05, 2012 @ 03:05 PM

    Steve's Avatar

    Dale, we are aware of the 10.8 incompatibility. Working on a fix. But before 10.8, we need to bring GPGMail 2.0 to final status for 10.7 first.

  12. Support Staff 12 Posted by Steve on Aug 19, 2012 @ 01:55 PM

    Steve's Avatar

    Hey all, this is getting a little out of hand. I'm closing the discussion so we don't loose track. If any issues remain unsolved, please open a new discussion so we can focus on solved that issue.

  13. Steve closed this discussion on Aug 19, 2012 @ 01:55 PM.

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