Verifying Signatures "Manually"

Ephrumsirc's Avatar


31 Dec, 2023 10:42 PM

Apologies in advance if this is out of scope, but I am trying to use GPG Tools to verify a signature of a Proton Mail email (or any other signed email) sent to a Yahoo account. The public key is sent with the email along with a signature file. I have successfully imported the public key into GPG Tools (on a Mac), and I have the raw message available to copy and save as a text file, but when I do the compare, GPG Tools says it doesn't match. I create the email text file "signature" and the "signature.asc" file is in the same directory, so that works. I suspect that I should not copy the entire raw message (from the first to last character) into the text file but rather some section that starts and ends somehow, especially since there are two attachment (the public key and the signature). I've attached the raw message text file for reference. Which section should I use in the raw file to create a text file (copy from where to where) for comparison to the signature?

The reason I am playing with this is to provide a tutorial for people that can't use GPG Tools with their native email reader (like Mail on Mac for Sonoma, but looks like that's getting addressed). Is this a simple answer, or should I dive into the RFC?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can assist.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Steve on 15 Jan, 2024 07:41 PM

    Steve's Avatar

    Hi Ephrumsirc,

    very sorry for the slow response time.

    By now you can find the second beta of GPG Mail for macOS Sonoma at

    If you plan to use GPG Mail for macOS Sonoma in production, please make sure to have a look at the list of Known Issues.

    To provide you the best OpenPGP experience possible on macOS, we continue working with Apple to fix the remaining issues.

    Please report any findings or other feedback via System Settings > GPG Suite > Contact Support. We do recommend sending in screenshots or videos, since they often help us to better understand problems you might be seeing. You can add screenshots after you have reported a problem. So first file the report, click send, then add screenshots or screencasts to your existing discussion.

    One thing that could be helpful is, to share with Apple, why OpenPGP matters to you and that you would love to see support for OpenPGP in Mail app in macOS going forward:

    All the best,

  2. Steve closed this discussion on 15 Jan, 2024 07:41 PM.

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