GPGmail not decrypting in 10.6.8
the issue has been posted here before acouple of weeks ago:
mail does nor decrypt messages. After pressing the "decrypt" button
the mail shows the same two attachment files as before: a txt file
and a asc file.
the solution to switch to lion doesn´t work for me as I have many programs that maybe won´t work anymore. I also tried the latest nightly build aof the the GPGtools. Is there any other workaround?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Luke Le on 15 Apr, 2012 04:30 PM
Hi Holger,
there are a lot of reasons, why this might not work. It may help to check if you have the secret key to the public key the message was encrypted for.
Unfortunately we're not able to support GPGMail for 10.6 due to lack of resources.
If Lion is no option for you, you'll most likely have to wait till we backport GPGMail 2.0 for Lion to Snow Leopard.
2 Posted by Holger on 17 Apr, 2012 07:45 AM
Hello Luke,
yes I have the secret key and was able to read the messages on another machine running tiger. There the bug was a little different: first the mesage appeared encrypted as before, but when closing and re-opening the message it was decraypted.
Thanks for the answer anyway. I see that´s one pitfall of Open Source projects: too little ressources when theré too little interest. But that´s unbelieveble as your project is very important. Unfortunately I have no programming skills at all so I can´t step in. Keep up the good work,
Support Staff 3 Posted by Steve on 19 Apr, 2012 10:11 AM
It's not too little interest. Supporting old platforms is currently simply completely out of scope.
We do all this in our spare time. I don't know many free opensource projects that offer free support. And at the same time we try to keep up with things that Apple breaks by releasing new versions of and not providing ANY documentation.
The latter takes up huge amounts of time since evereything has to be reverse engineered and this eats up hours if not days.
So feel free to contact Apple and ask them to provide mail apis for developers.
Steve closed this discussion on 22 May, 2012 11:48 AM.