GPG Keychain: password / passphrase forgotten
Error 38 decryption failed
I can no longer decrypt any message with the primary address kinnama
macOS 10.12.6 16G2136
GPG Suite 2019.2 2670 (ac945f92b0)
GPG Mail 2.8.2 1288 (ecac77903f)
GPG Keychain 1.5.1 1587 (967419866a)
GPG Services 1.12.1 1100 (2d6c8340f0)
MacGPG 2.2.17 940 (4ba83bbeda)
GPG Suite Preferences 2.2.1 1136 (378dbebf37)
Libmacgpg 1.0.1 924 (ed76f66a8a)
pinentry 16 (9b8e20e2c0)
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1 Posted by marianne on 07 Feb, 2020 01:49 AM
I just sent another report / request
I fact I can no longer remember my passowrd
I know we can't retrieve it and I am trying then to delete it all
can you help me?
I have also created a new email address with a new pass
Support Staff 2 Posted by Steve on 10 Feb, 2020 05:18 PM
Hi Marianne,
welcome to the GPGTools support platform. Sorry you are having problems using GPG Suite.
This KB-article explains what to do if you forgot your password.
If you still have the secret key on your computer, you may be able to revoke and upload the revoked key to the key servers.
If you created a new key already, I suggest you upload that to the key servers. In case the new key contains the email address from your previous key once you have re-verified that email, the key server will show the correct new key as a search result, when others search for your email.
Let me know where you are at after going through that KB and if you need additional help with your new key.
Make sure to let your friends and contacts know that you do have a new public key and that they should disable your old key. If you were able to revoke the old key, you can send them both your revoked (old) public key and the valid (new) public key.
All the best,
Steve closed this discussion on 08 Jul, 2020 04:01 PM.