Scripting support or command line tools or API?
I have to automate unattended(!) sending PGP-encrypted emails to a known recipient (who runs Apple Mail with GPGMail)
I wonder what my options are.
It seems there is nothing provided GPGTools that would let me do this. The GPG Services bring up a prompt (which doesn't work unattended), and there seems to be no command line tool where I could provide the text and the key, either.
Are there other ways to create the GPG MESSAGE blocks, perhaps? Once I have that, I can simply put it into the body of a message and be done. I'd need to do this on a Mac.
I am also a "proper" programmer, so I wonder if the MacGPG part is a lib or something similar I could interface?
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1 Posted by Thomas Tempelma... on 17 Jan, 2018 09:55 PM
Uh, nevermind - I should have just opened Terminal and enter "gpg" :)
It appears that GPGTools installed all the gpg tools along with it.
It just surprised me that this is nowhere mentioned when I searched this site for help with automation / scripting. You may assume it's obvious - but since I never really use gpg, I was not away of how it internally is built.
Meh. I'll manage.
Support Staff 2 Posted by Steve on 18 Jan, 2018 09:41 AM
Hi Thomas,
welcome to the GPGTools support platform. Sorry you are having problems using GPG Suite.
GPGMail is the plugin for It relies on MacGPG and Libmacgpg to be installed on the mac.
Glad, this is already solved for you. I'm closing this discussion. Should you need further assistance or have questions you can re-open this discussion here or open a new one any time.
Steve closed this discussion on 18 Jan, 2018 09:41 AM.