How do I temporarily disable GPG Suite?
Hello all!
I only use GPG Suite a few times a year.
Rather than having it always running in the background, I'd like to disable all of the GPG processes for most of the year.
So, how do I temporarily disable GPG Suite without losing any of my data?
And how do I turn it back on when I need it?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Steve on 23 Nov, 2022 08:35 PM
Hi Jim,
welcome to the GPGTools support platform.
Can you elaborate on what aspects of GPG Suite are disturbing you? Why I am asking this is, because if you are not using it, it shouldn't really interfere with what you are doing and since it doesn't take much disk space, the easiest option indeed is to let it sit and use it, whenever needed.
The alternative is to uninstall and re-install once you need it. Your keys won't be touched by that. But I am not sure I see the point in doing that.
2 Posted by Jim on 23 Nov, 2022 09:01 PM
Thanks for the welcome Steve!
Well, I am on a path to minimize all utilities/processes that I have active in any way.
Consider it a philosophy of "lean & clean makes a mean machine."
I am running one third-party utility (Keyboard Maestro) and one app that allows me to Tweet quickly (TweetShot). Other apps do not run in the background, so my active processes are clear of digital clutter.
I am doing my best to keep my system clear of anything that I don't use on a daily basis. My system is fast and responsive because of this. I never see a spinning beach ball or crashes.
Right now, I see the following from GPG:
The System Settings preference pane
Four items in LaunchAgents (or is it LaunchDaemons?)
And five items in Services
If I can uninstall without losing my keys, then that will work for me. I'd only do that twice a year, so it won't be a bother.
Even if it is only a visual decluttering, it would be nice to not see the above items on a regular basis.
Thanks for your input!
Support Staff 3 Posted by Steve on 23 Nov, 2022 09:28 PM
Right, I see where you are coming from and you make a valid point.
Sadly the uninstall re-install route is the only option or rather workaround we currently can offer for this.
I'm closing this discussion. Should you need further assistance or have questions you can re-open this discussion here or open a new one any time.
Steve closed this discussion on 23 Nov, 2022 09:28 PM.