GPG Services: Can't decrypt - Unable to write to directory

fredericgouin's Avatar


30 Sep, 2021 01:08 PM

Which of our tools is giving you problems? GPG Mail (I guess?)

Attach a screenshot of the version info for all installed components (how to: -done

Describe your problem. Add as much detail as possible. When clicking on a .asc file attached to an email, I receive an error message saying that it's impossible to write in a certain directory (see attached)

What did you expect instead I was expecting to be able to read the attachment

Describe steps leading to the problem. click

Are you using any other plugins? No

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Steve on 30 Sep, 2021 01:23 PM

    Steve's Avatar

    Hi fredericgouin,

    welcome to the GPGTools support platform. Sorry to hear you are having problems using GPG Suite.

    The fact GPG Mail is unable to decrypt the email in question automatically is an indicator, that there could be some odd formatting going on in the message in question.

    To decrypt manually using GPG Services, please try dragging the encrypted attachment to your desktop first. Are you then able to decrypt?


  2. 2 Posted by fredericgouin on 30 Sep, 2021 01:35 PM

    fredericgouin's Avatar

    I did it and now it says « untrusted signature »… but the message comes from Facebook (I verified that) and I re-downloaded their public key to make sure.

    Thanks for your help.

    _ _ _

    Frédéric Gouin
    [email blocked]

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Steve on 30 Sep, 2021 01:51 PM

    Steve's Avatar

    The fact that the signature of the incoming email says "This signature is not to be trusted" when you look at the details, is not a bad thing. The alarming red "x" is not bad per se either.

    It merely means that for that public key you have not set a high trust level.

    We generally recommend, to verify keys you are using. This KB-article explains how to verify and sign a key.

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Steve on 30 Sep, 2021 01:52 PM

    Steve's Avatar

    And some additional info about the encrypted emails Facebook sends out:

    Unfortunately this is often the case with Facebook notifications. Every 10th or so notification they send is broken, as they don‘t properly structure their decrypted content. We’ve been wondering before what might be wrong on their end.

    Unfortunately there‘s nothing we can do about this error, but it would probably help if you brought it up with Facebook too. If you decrypt the message content on the command line you would see that the content-type is not properly set and thus Mail and GPG Mail don‘t know (and don‘t try to guess) how this is supposed to be rendered

    All the best,

  5. Steve closed this discussion on 16 Oct, 2021 11:42 AM.

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