Tryingt to unencrypt draft of current emails, asks for password over and over.

thorbjorn's Avatar


04 Apr, 2017 10:26 AM

GPGSuite 2017.1b3

When writing an email, its autosaved as a draft, the draft is encrypted, and then it asks for my password to decrypt it when I'm still writing on it. So while writing my email, I get interrupted by a password dialog over and over.

What did you expect instead

Don't decrypt the draft you just encrypted, I already have the unencrypted version in the window I writing it in.

Describe steps leading to the problem.

  1. Have a default key with password protection.
  2. Write an email (tested with replying to one)
  3. Wait for it to autosave it as a draft.
  4. press cancel on the password dialog.
  5. write some more
  6. step 3-5 repeats.

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  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Steve on 10 Apr, 2017 01:36 PM

    Steve's Avatar

    Hey thorbjorn,

    welcome to the GPGTools support platform. Sorry you are having problems using GPG Suite.

    We have a ticket for better draft handling while composing the draft. I connected this discussion with the existing ticket. That means, should this discussion get closed, it will be re-opened as soon as the ticket is closed. That way you'll stay in the loop and get notified as soon as we have news. Feel free to open a new discussions should you run into further problems or need assistance.

    As a workaround for the time being please see this KB-article on how to manage passwords for your keys.

    All the best,

  2. Steve closed this discussion on 07 Aug, 2017 04:22 PM.

  3. Steve closed this discussion on 25 Feb, 2022 10:27 PM.

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