GPGMail: Mail only shows one banner: key expiry on junk mail
When I get a message that's both junk mail and the key has expired, it is correctly moved to junk mail, but only the key expiry banner shows up at the top of the message.
When I download the new key, then the junk mail banner shows up.
I expected to see both banners, but I think this is a mail
interface limitation. Overriding the junk mail banner is probably
ok, but the remote content banner and the bad signature banner
should both be shown. (Either I can never load remote content on
badly signed messages, or I load remote content on a malicious
message, then find it was unsigned.)
macOS 10.12.3 16D32
GPG Suite 2017.1b2 31b
GPGMail 2.7b2 1192b
GPG Keychain 1.3.3b1 1249b
GPGServices 1.11 916
MacGPG2 2.0.30-1b2 887-
GPGPreferences 2.0.2b2 912b
Libmacgpg 0.7 775
pinentry 0.9.7 4
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Luke Le on 22 Feb, 2017 04:48 PM
Hi Tim,
thank you for reporting this issue.
This is indeed a very tricky one, since I don't believe Apple Mail allows two banners to be displayed. Have you seen two banners at once at one time?
2 Posted by Tim on 22 Feb, 2017 10:52 PM
No, I have never seen two banners at once.
Perhaps you could prioritise the signature banner, but allow it to be dismissed so people can load remote content (there is no menu option for this, apart from the global preference), or deal with junk mail (which isn't as important, as there are menu options to change the junk mail flag).
Support Staff 3 Posted by Luke Le on 29 Mar, 2017 03:55 PM
Hi Tim,
sorry for the delay.
I've created a ticket for this issue. Once the ticket status changes, this discussion will be re-opened automatically and you'll be informed of the ticket change.
Closing this discussion in the meantime.
Luke Le closed this discussion on 29 Mar, 2017 03:55 PM.